Lawyers, like most other professions, are all about detail. Whether it is in what we say or what we write, we need to be accurate and correct – otherwise the message gets lost in translation or perhaps our client ends up in a pickle.
Getting names right is part of this attention to detail. It is surprising how often names are wrong, for whatever reason, and this distracts from what we are trying to do or could even cause offence!
Recently we have seen some classics from other people – a professional called Louise, being referred to as “Lousie”; and another lawyer called Brian (who admittedly is very clever) being referred to as “Brain”. And within our own office, sometimes Brad McDonald has been referred to as “Bard”!
This ties in nicely with another typo which we see quite often – instead of saying “signing documents”, it comes out as “singing” documents. Is this something which Brad (the “Bard”) is best suited for? Imagine the message which might go out – “Please come in to see Bard to do the document singing together”
Happily we spot almost all of these typos before communications go out – but it is important, and accuracy is a big part of what we do.