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Giving Back To Our Community

26 October 2021
Godfreys Law 298 Youth Health Trust healthcare

One of our core values at Godfreys Law is that we give back to our community within Christchurch and wider Canterbury.

This means everyone within our law firm donates their time or expertise, either through pro bono charitable work or volunteering for an organisation.

Donating Our Time

Godfreys Law is on the rosters for both Community Law Canterbury and Citizens' Advice Bureau. Each one of us spends some time volunteering across these organisations and offering free legal advice. Offering our services to the charity based programs in Christchurch is important to us here at Godfrey's law, as we understand how much value there is in knowing your rights and options, and being informed on your options for situations which can be stressful when pursuing them. 

Working With Charities

Partner at Godfreys Law, Brad McDonald is a trustee of Life Education Trust Canterbury which delivers a fantastic educational programme for primary schools and intermediates around the Canterbury region. The iconic Harold the Giraffe enables the Life Education Trust Canterbury to empower kids, teaching them how to make healthy and safe choices in life.

"What I can say (from first-hand experience) is that Life Ed, Harold and the programme delivered by our Educators, makes a real difference to the youth in our region by empowering and supporting them to make healthy life choices and navigate the perils and pitfalls of the modern world that they are growing up in." – Brad McDonald on his involvement with the trust. 

Brad is also involved with Korowai Trust which runs the Youth 298 Health Centre, providing pro bono legal advice and services.

Empowering Christchurch Youth

Both Life Education Trust Canterbury and Korowai Youth Trust 298 are important to Brad because he’s always had a firm belief that society is only as good as how it treats its weakest members. Youth in Christchurch and around the world can be vulnerable for many different reasons.

Growing up can be difficult, which is why Godfrey's law believes it is important to support youth programmes. It’s easy for young people to become lost, to fall between the cracks of the care and wellbeing they’re entitled to, or for them to go off the rails entirely and pose a bigger problem to society.

“It’s really important to me personally that I give something back,” says Brad, “and that I find this place a little bit better than when I came into it. At least, I feel like I need to make a contribution towards those who have gone before and the great things they’ve done.”

It’s important that we give our time, expertise, and skills, to help make Christchurch and Canterbury as great a place as we can for everyone to live and find equal opportunities in life. Both Korowai Youth Trust 298 and Life Education Trust Canterbury are providing the young people of Christchurch and Canterbury with the tools they need to make the best go of life, and to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Find out more about Godfreys Law and what motivates us.


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