“Let’s put Phil’s face on the back of a bus!”
This was a running gag in our office for a long time: some of my team members threatening to put my photo on a bus in the way that some land agents like to promote themselves.
I managed to dodge the back of the bus but I now find myself on a giant digital display near our office. There is a long story behind this but, in essence, a neighbouring tenant needed our consent to erect his new digital display. At the time seemed to us no problem (though now we realise it is quite an intrusion on our natural light) but the sweetener for us was the offer of 3 months free publicity on this digital display. So now I, and 5 others from our team, can be seen big and bold, and also slightly silly.
Instead of going for conventional sort of adverts, we have some slogans – perhaps corny but certainly eye catching! Brad McDonald, my business partner, put a post about this somewhere on his LinkedIn and to date he has over 1869 impressions on that post alone. This is visibility of a scale we have never had before. Will it lead to a stronger brand, or more business? Who knows but it might! As much as anything else, this has been a nice project which our team has enjoyed being involved in. Like kids in a mirror, during the first few days of the display people were looking out at the billboard, just to see who was coming on display next or to see themselves in HD.
Marketing is a big commitment in our firm and this giant display, is part of our current efforts.